The informing during the coronavirus pandemic and the disease it causes – COVID-19 came to be a serious challenge globally. We are facing an unprecedented health crisis and therefore the accurate and timely information has become more important than ever, because they could mean saving tens of thousands of lives.
Additional issue regarding the informing is that, in times when most countries have declared state of emergency, the journalists and the media are facing even harder conditions for doing their work, since the news and information sources are becoming restricted and limited. As such, the media (especially the online media and the social media) feature many misinformation about the nature and origins of the virus, on fighting the disease, on health statistics, on measures and decisions implemented by the governments in specific countries, etc.
The Infodemics, as the World Health Organization (WHO) has named the flood of disinformation about the coronavirus, can be just as dangerous as the virus itself. Therefore, the partners in the STOP MISINFORMATION project, whose main goal is to improve the news literacy and the digital literacy as well as to improve the skills and the ability to recognize the misinformation in the media, decided to restructure their website and to include a separate section exactly on the information and misinformation regarding COVID-19.
This part of the electronic publication of STOP MISINFORMATION will include blogs from our partners, as well as translations of texts published in foreign media related to information and misinformation about COVID-19. There will be also infographics, quizzes for recognizing misinformation, as well as useful links. It is important to emphasize that these are official sources from governmental or international organizations and institutions, credible media, renowned universities, influential civic associations and non-governmental organizations, etc.
We are looking forward to cooperate with our readers in order to enrich our content with new and interesting articles, which are based on verified and accurate information.
Here you can find blogs from our partners as well as translations from foreign media related to information and misinformation about COVID-19, the literacy about the news and pandemics, tips on how to recognize fake news about the coronavirus, texts on educational practices during the coronavirus, useful tools for digital teaching and virtual communication, etc.
The following links show the official information about the current situation and consequences of the coronavirus in Macedonia, the Government measures against COVID-19, transcripts and videos from the daily press events of the Government representatives, interactive maps, etc.

Dedicated website of the Government of RN Macedonia for the coronavirus

Website of the Ministry of Health with information on the COVID-19 situation

Part of the official website of the Government of RN Macedonia dedicated to COVID-19, with information on the health and economic measures and ordinances adopted by the Government

Website of the Institute for Public Health of RN Macedonia with latest information about the coronavirus situation

Website of the Center for Public Health in Skopje with information about COVID-19

Website with information and statistics on the coronavirus from Worldometers and from the World Health Organization, published in Macedonian

Map of the Center for Crisis Management of RN Macedonia on monitoring of the situation with the coronavirus

Map for monitoring the coronavirus situation in Macedonia, developed by a software solutions company GDI, fed with official information from the relevant institutions
The following are links from foreign sources to official information about the coronavirus, guides from renowned journalistic and international media associations and university projects on misinformation and COVID-19, media literacy and news literacy during the coronavirus, texts in renowned foreign media, etc.

Website of the World Health Organization, coronavirus section

Website of the World Health Organization debunking the myths on COVID-19, spreading of the disease, treatment, etc.

Map of the John Hopkins medical university in the US, with latest information about the coronavirus situation globally

Website of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control with information about the coronavirus in the EU member states

Website of UNICEF, international organization on children rights, in Macedonian, that includes a number of educational texts on what the children and parents should know about COVID-19, the emotional situation during the coronavirus, advices on how to organize the learning in domestic conditions, about the healthy nutrition during the pandemics, etc.

Website of the European Commission dedicated to the fight against the coronavirus misinformation

The national “News Literacy“ project of the United States launched a dedicated website for COVID-19 and the news literacy that includes many useful information about dealing with the coronavirus misinformation

The Center for News Literacy of the Stony Brook University from the United States did a special lesson on how the students should be evaluating the authenticity of the information concerning the COVID-19 pandemics

Poynter.org is one of the most renowned global resources and educational school for journalists from the United States. It prepared a Guideline on what the readers should know about the coronavirus and the pandemics

Database on the coronavirus misinformation collected by organizations and institutions for verification of facts in more than 70 countries, that includes texts published in 40 languages

European Association for Viewers Interests which advocates for media literacy, launched a media literacy campaign in the fight against COVID-19 where you can find a number of resources on the coronavirus and the misinformation

Project of the Reporters Without Borders, an international organization that protects the rights of the journalists, aiming to evaluate the impact the COVID-19 pandemics has on the journalism – state censorship, misinformation, etc.

Website of the international organization for protection of the human rights “Privacy International“ which monitors all the measures implemented by the countries in the world in the fight against COVID-19 and their impact on the human rights

“Remedy for fake news: How to read the coronavirus information“. Educational text published in a reputed English online medium “Guardian”

The most important fake news regarding the coronavirus coming from Russia. Text by Euobserver, independent online medium from Brussels

How to read the coronavirus information as scientists and to avoid the COVID-10 “Infodemics”. Educational text published on the website of the World Economic Forum

How to stop the conspiracy theories regarding the coronavirus? One of many academic texts regarding COVID-19, published on the renowned online UK medium theconversation.com which features texts from university professors from all over the world using easy-to-understand language